The Kings River Cleanup

A history in pictures...

June 2017 Kings River Cleanup—Carroll County


On June 3rd the Kings River Watershed Partnership completed it's 24th river clean-up. A crew of 46 paddlers joined together to work sections of the Kings River from Rockhouse at the Carroll/Madison County line to the Romp Hole near the Missouri line. A total of 38 miles of river were cleaned!


This year there were 110 tires dragged from the river. Also recovered from the river were two large pick-up truck loads of garbage and 400 pounds. Some of the items that were recovered included paint cans, garbage cans, 2 BBQ pits, a half of a canoe and wagon wheel hoop. More pieces of mini-van than was left on the gravel bar when the river flooded a few years back came out and I guess we'll be digging parts of that out for years to come.


It takes a large effort from our whole community to get this work done. Be sure to thank our sponsor for their part. Also thank you to all of the paddlers, shuttle driver, kitchen crew, band members and property owners for your help.


Our cleanup crew

Earth Day River Cleanup—Madison County


Kings River Watershed Partnership had a successful Madison County clean-up in spite of cold rain and high river levels. Nine volunteers hit the land and participated in a trail clean-up at the Sweden Creek Falls Natural Area, County Road 3795 and a roadside illegal dump site along Hwy 21. The group recovered 7 tires, 2 mattresses and several bags of trash.


The Kings River Watershed Partnership is a non-profit, voluntary group of citizen stakeholders dedicated to preserving the water quality and beauty of the Kings River. This was our 23rd overall river cleanup!

KRWP Kings River cleanup

P.O. Box 961 | Berryville, AR 72616 | Phone: 870-480-8897 | Email:

Site Copyright © Kings River Watershed Partnership 2007-2023. All rights reserved.

Last Update April 2023